Friday, March 21, 2008

back in the game

perfect example of my neuroses: instead of sleeping soundly after being up for close to 21 hours straight and counting, i am compelled to post my first blog post since Sept 2005.

let me explain.

i once kept up a blog on in fact, it still exists, perpetually an online record of my crazy college years and really, it was more for me to write anything i liked than for anyone else to read it with any satisfaction. eventually the time between posts grew farther and farther apart until i forgot about it. recently, i found it again and began to read through. the experience was cathartic. there was nothing like "meeting" myself from a few years ago and being able to laugh, be embarrassed, and/or amazed at how smart i thought i was.

it helped me to remember how much i liked the poet e.e. cummings, from whom this blog's title is coveted/homaged. i read some of my own poetry, mostly written in a drunken haze. i lived through college again by reading my Xanga blog. this time around, it was a lot more fun.

here's why i've chosen to blog again: in the last 3 years, i've devoted my time to work, chugging along with my nose to the ground. one day, i'll want to look up and want to meet the me that exists now. if i don't blog, all i'll have are final reports and memos to read through.

i've learned so many lessons and the writer in me aches in the knowledge that i haven't really documented them. so, today i'll change that. i'll do my best to write as frequently as possible, more for me than anyone else.

but i'd be honored to have you follow me along my neurotic life.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay I miss my divine blogs! They remind me of how inarticulate I am ;) love you and miss you